Meet Lindsey, an IJM Justice Advocate from Brisbane, Australia. She shares with us a little about how she became a JA and what kind of initiatives she’s involved in to end slavery.
Q: Describe yourself in three words.
Purposeful, driven, passionate.
Q: How did you first connect with IJM?
My brother and sister-in-law recommended IJM to me. I read through the website and my husband and I quickly got on board!
Q: What makes you passionate about being an IJM Justice Advocate?
Beyond the initial conviction of God’s heart for justice and Shalom for all that is at the core of my advocacy there are two things that drive me to action: the effectiveness of IJM’s work model and therefore the guaranteed effectiveness of my contribution; and the children.
My heart does flip-flops whenever I hear accounts of the children IJM rescues and I will never stop fighting for those who are still suffering.
Q: What kinds of things do you do to support IJM as a JA?
As a family, we are monthly Freedom Partners and commit one night a week to pray specifically for IJM’s work across the globe. As members of a church community, we host monthly sausage sizzles, with the goal of raising enough annually for one rescue.
To raise awareness in our wider social circles (as well as raising funds) we participate in the Bridge to Brisbane and I help my amazing best friend organise the “IJM Christmas Market”.
I’m also learning to embrace social media and share IJM stories that way!
See the for Lindsey’s Christmas market, to be held on 1 December 2018.