3 December 2024
International Justice Mission (IJM) Australia congratulates the Attorney-General, Hon Mark Dreyfus KC, MP and the Attorney-General’s Department on the Australian Government’s comprehensive response to the McMillan Review of the Modern Slavery Act 2018.
Consistent with IJM’s recommendations to the McMillan Review and Inquiry into the Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner Bill, the Government has now committed to consulting on a potential model for written declarations of a region, location, industry, product, supplier or supply chain that is regarded as carrying a high modern slavery risk.
IJM welcomes the Government’s in principle agreement to the review recommendation that such declarations may prescribe the extent to which reporting entities must have regard to that declaration in preparing their modern slavery statements under the Act.
IJM Australia CEO David Braga stated, “Australian reporting entities need clear guidance on where to focus their modern slavery reporting efforts. Written declarations on the high risks of modern slavery that may occur in Australian supply networks will assist entities in meaningfully meeting their reporting obligations under the Act.”
“As recommended by IJM, guidance issued by the Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner could be modelled on the existing List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor, as maintained by the U.S. Bureau of International Labor Affairs,” Mr Braga said.
IJM welcomes the announcement of forthcoming consultations on the introduction and operation of civil penalties for failing to submit a modern slavery statement, providing false information in a modern slavery statement, and failing to comply with a request for specified remedial action, consistent with our recommendation.
Whilst IJM Australia and many other civil society actors recommended that the amended Modern Slavery Act impose a due diligence obligation on reporting entities, the Government has not committed to adopting this recommendation.
“Transparency measures alone will not bring about the changes needed to eliminate forced labour from supply networks, based on the experience of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the McMillan Review’s findings.
“Whilst the Australian Government has not adopted the recommendation for a general due diligence scheme, IJM welcomes their commitment to consult on such a system in future and urges them to do so swiftly,” Mr Braga said.
IJM Australia welcomes the Government’s response to developing clearer guidelines for reporting entities, consistent with our recommendation to the McMillan Review.
IJM Australia applauds the Government for adopting the review recommendation and delivering on their commitment to create the inaugural office of the Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner.
“IJM congratulates Chris Evans on his commencement as Australia’s inaugural Anti-Slavery Commissioner this week.”
“We look forward to working closely with the Commissioner to continuously improve Australia’s response to the growing issue of modern slavery around the world,” Mr Braga said.
Media: Briony Camp │ [email protected] │ 0468 308 696