Proving Justice for People in Poverty is Possible
We believe the children, families and communities we serve deserve the very best. We owe it to them – and to those who make our work possible – to ensure that our work is effective. That’s why we base the design and management of our programs on evidence we collect through rigorous documentation, monitoring and evaluation.
Here’s how it works:
When we begin a new program to combat a specific form of violence in a community, we measure the prevalence of the crime we are targeting, and we assess how the justice system responds to it.
Throughout our work in a community, we measure and analyse changes in how police, judges and other actors and institutions in the public justice system respond to the crime we are targeting. We also continue to assess how prevalent the crime is, watching for changes.
We use this critical information to ensure that the justice system’s response to the crime is truly improving, and that these improvements are actually making vulnerable people safer from the targeted form of violence – our ultimate goal.
We grow the impact by sharing what we’ve learned with key stakeholders in the communities where we work, and with audiences around the world.

Scale of Harm Summary Report
IJM undertook the Scale of Harm study over the course of two years, in partnership with the University of Nottingham’s Rights Lab in the U.K, survivor consultants and 24 world-class experts, researchers, and field practitioners from organizations across the technology, financial, government, and child protection sectors, including the Australian Institute of Criminology and former director of AUSTRAC, Lynne Walker.
Survivor focus groups helped identify gaps in awareness and understanding of trafficking for the production of CSEM as well as gaps in public knowledge on how to identify exploitative online behaviour. They also shared tactics employed by traffickers to conceal illegal activities and cited socio-cultural factors contributing to underreporting, particularly in cases with ongoing victim-trafficker relationships.
The study revealed nearly half a million Filipino children, or roughly 1 in 100, were trafficked in 2022 to produce child sexual exploitation material (CSEM) for profit.
Explore IJM Studies and Papers
26 studies found
Scale of Harm
AUTHOR | International Justice Mission & University of Nottingham Rights Lab | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Crime Prevalence Study | |
PUBLICATION DATE | September, 2023 | |
COUNTRY | Philippines | |
SUBJECT | Cybersex trafficking of children |
Spot Fires In Supply Chains
AUTHOR | IJM Australia | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Article or White Paper | |
PUBLICATION DATE | May, 2022 | |
COUNTRY | Australia | |
SUBJECT | Modern Slavery in Supply Chains |
Online Sexual Exploitation of Children in the Philippines
AUTHOR | IJM, TIP Office and IACAT | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Crime Prevalence Study | |
PUBLICATION DATE | May, 2020 | |
COUNTRY | Philippines | |
SUBJECT | Cybersex trafficking of children |
An Endline Study of the Prevalence of Property Grabbing among Widows In Mukono County, Uganda, and the Response of the Justice System (2018)
Uganda Endline Study:
AUTHOR | International Justice Mission | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Endline Study | |
PUBLICATION DATE | December, 2018 | |
COUNTRY | Uganda | |
SUBJECT | Land theft |
Final Evaluation of Program to Combat Sexual Violence Against Children and Adolescents in Guatemala 2005-2017
IJM Guatemala External Evaluation Report:
AUTHOR | ARS Progetti | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Program Evaluation | |
PUBLICATION DATE | December, 2018 | |
COUNTRY | Guatemala | |
SUBJECT | Sexual Violence Against Children |
The Criminal Justice System Response to Child Sexual Assault in Guatemala: 2013–2017
IJM Guatemala Endline Performance Study:
AUTHOR | International Justice Mission | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Endline Study | |
PUBLICATION DATE | December, 2018 | |
COUNTRY | Guatemala | |
SUBJECT | Sexual Violence Against Children |
External Evaluation of IJM’s Property Grabbing Program in Mukono County, Uganda
IJM Property Grabbing Program in Uganda:
An external evaluation of IJM’s 2012-2017 program to address land theft (property grabbing) from widows by strengthening the public justice system response.
AUTHOR | International Justice Mission | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Program Evaluation | |
PUBLICATION DATE | August, 2018 | |
COUNTRY | Uganda | |
SUBJECT | Land theft |
Justice Review: A Journal of Protection and Justice for the Poor
IJM Justice Review:
The second edition of IJM’s Justice Review is a compendium of studies of forced, trafficked labor commissioned by International Justice Mission. This edition includes substantial summaries of full-length prevalence reports on bonded labor in Tamil Nadu and Bangalore, India; child labor slavery in Ghana; and trafficked labor in Thailand’s fishing industry. It also includes studies of the capacity of the Cambodian and Thai governments’ criminal justice systems to address labor trafficking. Links to the majority of the full-length reports are included.
AUTHOR | International Justice Mission | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Other Study Type | |
PUBLICATION DATE | August, 2018 | |
COUNTRY | Multiple Countries | |
SUBJECT | Forced Labour |
Assessment of Survivor Outcomes Validation Study (ASO)
ASO Validation Study:
The Assessment of Survivor Outcomes (ASO) tool, developed by International Justice Mission is a valid and reliable tool for measuring progress toward restoration and outcomes for survivors who are recovering from various forms of violence and exploitation.
Explore the ASO Tool:
AUTHOR | International Justice Mission | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Validation Study | |
PUBLICATION DATE | July, 2018 | |
COUNTRY | Multiple Countries | |
SUBJECT | Assessment of Survivor Outcomes |
Child Sex Trafficking in Metro Manila
IJM Manila:
A study measuring the prevalence of children in commercial sexual exploitation in Metro Manila, the Philippines
AUTHOR | International Justice Mission | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Crime Prevalence Study | |
PUBLICATION DATE | May, 2018 | |
COUNTRY | Philippines | |
SUBJECT | Child Sex Trafficking in Metro Manila |
Not In The Same Boat
IJM Not In The Same Boat:
AUTHOR | Issara Institute, International Justice Mission | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Crime Prevalence Study | |
PUBLICATION DATE | September, 2017 | |
COUNTRY | Thailand | |
SUBJECT | Forced Labour |
Evaluation of the Program to Combat Sex Trafficking of Children in the Philippines: 2003-2015
Philippines CSEC Program Evaluation:
Evaluation of the Program to Combat Sex Trafficking of Children in the Philippines: 2003-2015
AUTHOR | Dr. Robin Haarr | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Program Evaluation | |
PUBLICATION DATE | August, 2017 | |
COUNTRY | Philippines | |
SUBJECT | Sex trafficking |
Child Sexual Assault: Practice and Learnings
Inspire CSA Recommendations:
By Holly Burkhalter, Senior Advisor for Justice System Transformation. Originally submitted to the World Health Organization as part of a WHO-UNICEF initiative to implement the anti-violence Sustainable Development Goals relating to children. This white paper describes IJM experience and learnings from its field offices which address the issue of sexual assault of children. It discusses child and victim-friendly process throughout investigation and prosecution of child sexual assault and specific criminal justice capacities which are required to protect victims and deter predators.
AUTHOR | International Justice Mission | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Article or White Paper | |
PUBLICATION DATE | August, 2017 | |
COUNTRY | Multiple Countries | |
SUBJECT | Policy recommendations on child sexual assault |
Labour Trafficking in Cambodia
Labour Trafficking in Cambodia – A Review of the PJSS Response:
A Review of the Public Justice System’s Response to Labour Trafficking in Cambodia.
AUTHOR | International Justice Mission | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Other Study Type | |
PUBLICATION DATE | November, 2016 | |
COUNTRY | Cambodia | |
SUBJECT | Forced Labour |
Child Sex Trafficking in Angeles City
IJM Pampanga:
A study measuring the prevalence of children in commercial sexual exploitation in Angeles City, the Philippines
AUTHOR | International Justice Mission | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Crime Prevalence Study | |
PUBLICATION DATE | October, 2016 | |
COUNTRY | Philippines | |
SUBJECT | Sex trafficking |
Child Trafficking into Forced Labour on Lake Volta, Ghana
IJM Ghana Report:
The purpose of this baseline study was to document the scope and nature of child trafficking in Lake Volta’s fishing industry.
AUTHOR | Kirsten Singleton, Katrina B. Stone, Julie Stricker | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Article or White Paper | |
PUBLICATION DATE | October, 2016 | |
COUNTRY | Ghana | |
SUBJECT | Forced Labour |
External Evaluation of IJM’s Program to Combat Sex Trafficking of Children in Cambodia, 2004-2014
2015 Evaluation of IJM CSEC Program in Cambodia (Final Report):
An evaluation of IJM’s 10-year program to combat sex trafficking of children in Cambodia.
AUTHOR | Dr. Robin Haarr | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Program Evaluation | |
PUBLICATION DATE | December, 2015 | |
COUNTRY | Cambodia | |
SUBJECT | Sex trafficking |
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the Dominican Republic
IJM Commercial Sexual Exploitation Of Children In The Dominican Republic:
A study measuring the prevalence of children in commercial sexual exploitation in the Dominican Republic.
AUTHOR | International Justice Mission | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Crime Prevalence Study | |
PUBLICATION DATE | April, 2015 | |
COUNTRY | Dominican Republic | |
SUBJECT | Sex trafficking |
Property Grabbing from Ugandan Widows and the Public Justice System Response
IJM Propery Grabbing From Ugandan Widows And The Justice System:
A mixed-methods assessment in Mukono County, Uganda assessing the prevalence of land theft (property grabbing) from widows as well as the justice system response to the crime.
AUTHOR | International Justice Mission | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Crime Prevalence Study | Public Justice System Performance Study |
PUBLICATION DATE | October, 2014 | |
COUNTRY | Uganda | |
SUBJECT | Land theft |
Strengthening the Performance of the Ugandan Public Justice System
Uganda World Bank Paper:
Paper detailing a model to secure and protect widow and orphan land rights – presented at the World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, March 2014.
AUTHOR | International Justice Mission | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Article or White Paper | |
PUBLICATION DATE | March, 2014 | |
COUNTRY | Uganda | |
SUBJECT | Land theft |
Guatemalan Criminal Justice System Performance Study, 2008-2012
Guatemala Public Justice System Performance Study:
Indicators of practice, process and resolution in cases of child sexual assault nationwide.
AUTHOR | International Justice Mission | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Public Justice System Performance Study | |
PUBLICATION DATE | August, 2013 | |
COUNTRY | Guatemala | |
SUBJECT | Sexual Violence Against Children |
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Cambodia
CSEC Prevalence, Cambodia:
A study measuring the prevalence of children in commercial sexual exploitation in three major Cambodian cities.
AUTHOR | International Justice Mission | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Crime Prevalence Study | |
PUBLICATION DATE | March, 2013 | |
COUNTRY | Cambodia | |
SUBJECT | Sex trafficking |
Sex Trafficking, Law Enforcement and Perpetrator Accountability
Sex Trafficking, Law Enforcement, and Perpetrator Accountability:
By IJM Vice President of Government Relations and Advocacy Holly Burkhalter. Originally published in The Anti-Trafficking Review.
AUTHOR | International Justice Mission | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Article or White Paper | |
PUBLICATION DATE | June, 2012 | |
COUNTRY | Multiple Countries | |
SUBJECT | Sex trafficking |
From Inside Prison Walls
From Inside Prison Walls PDF Study:
Interviews with incarcerated brothel owners and human traffickers in Cambodia.
AUTHOR | International Justice Mission | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Other Study Type | |
PUBLICATION DATE | October, 2011 | |
COUNTRY | Cambodia | |
SUBJECT | Sex trafficking |
Project Lantern Results Summary
Cebu “Project Lantern” Results Summary:
Summary of four-years of IJM partnership with local justice system actors and other stakeholders in Cebu, the Philippines.
AUTHOR | International Justice Mission | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Article or White Paper | |
PUBLICATION DATE | January, 2011 | |
COUNTRY | Philippines | |
SUBJECT | Sex trafficking |
Evaluation of “Project Lantern”
Cebu “Project Lantern” Impact Assessment:
Assessment of five-year impact and change in the public justice system – Cebu, the Philippines.
AUTHOR | Andrew Jones and Associates | |
RESOURCE TYPE | Impact Study | |
PUBLICATION DATE | October, 2010 | |
COUNTRY | Philippines | |
SUBJECT | Sex trafficking |