We’re so grateful for the ongoing support we receive from churches, both in prayer and financially. We’ve put together a few resources to help you share about our match appeal this Christmas, where every donation is generously matched – dollar for dollar.

Here is the link to donate

Download the PowerPoint Slide

Download the Square Tile for Social Media or Email

Download the Rectangular Tile for Social Media or Email

Suggested Copy Options

Exciting news! Right now, your gift to IJM will have DOUBLE the impact! Every dollar with be matched.

$90 supports undercover investigation operations that help detect perpetrators and rescue survivors.

This is your chance to double your impact of rescue, restoration and protection for children like Aaron*. Aaron is a survivor of online sexual exploitation. This is a crime that IJM has committed to fighting – and ending. We can not do this without your compassion and generosity.

There couldn’t be a better time to send rescue. Please don’t miss this opportunity to double your impact.