What is IJM doing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic?
Because IJM’s model of change is focused on partnering with local governments, NGOs and other organisations to protect vulnerable people from violence, we work closely with these institutions on a regular basis and are continuing to do so. We are assessing and prioritising the needs of our clients, staff and ongoing operations in accordance with local officials and health experts.
IJM has had a COVID-19 task force that has been monitoring the situation in coordination with local leadership and government officials on the ground in all the communities that we serve around the world. We are working to ensure that by following the guidance issued by the World Health Organization and local health experts, we are doing everything we can to support the wellbeing of the clients and staff.
Because those living in poverty are the most vulnerable in situations like this, IJM is continuing its operations where our teams are able to do so, continuing to fight on behalf of those who need it most.
How is the pandemic affecting IJM’s operations?
IJM Leadership and staff around the world are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation in local communities where we work and giving real time guidance to staff and clients, as is necessary. While we are doing everything we can to protect the health of our staff from the COVID-19 risk, we also know that in situations like this, violence and abuse does not stop. And so, as local officials and guidance allow, IJM will continue its operations to serve vulnerable people in the communities where we work.
How can I best support IJM and the clients we serve during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Because violence and abuse doesn’t stop during health emergencies like this, the work of IJM continues and in some respects becomes even more critical. And the work we do together to rescue and restore these women, children and men is fuelled by:
Fervent Prayer. Please consider praying for the safety and health of the vulnerable people we serve in communities around the world, often where those living in poverty don’t have access to health care. Pray for the spread of the virus to stop. Please pray for wisdom for local government officials as they make critical decisions on behalf of the wellbeing of their citizens and communities. Pray for IJM staff to have the wisdom to know how best to mitigate the impacts of the virus and how to best continue to work on behalf of those we serve.
Financial Gifts. This work does not happen without the faithful and generous giving of people all over the world. Every gift makes a tangible and lasting impact in the lives of children, women and men living in violent situations in some of the most vulnerable parts of the world. The commitment from individuals like you, in the midst of uncertainty, continues to fuel this work—ensuring that we don’t have to pause or slow the work of protection and rescue.
Attend our Liberate Live event on Saturday 28 March In situations like this, it’s more important than ever that we hold on to connection, community and an ability to think beyond the present circumstances. We’re inviting IJM Australia supporters to stand in solidarity with us as we gather online to seek justice through story and prayer.