Human Trafficking and Slavery

We won’t stop until we end the business of modern slavery for good.


Trafficking and slavery still exist today 

Slavery is illegal almost everywhere. But millions of men, women and children are trapped in modern day slavery around the world. In India, entire families are enslaved in labour trafficking in brick kilns, rice mills, and garment factories working up to 20 hours a day. In Romania, women are tricked into sex trafficking with false promises of a loving relationship or a good-paying job. In the Philippines, children are sexually abused live for anyone in the world to watch through online sexual exploitation of children.  

  • There are an estimated 50 million people held in slavery today.
  • An estimated 86% of forced labour takes place in the private economy—homes, businesses and supply chains
  • Human trafficking generates about $150 billion a year—with two-thirds coming from commercial sexual exploitation.


Our Community Protection Model

IJM is working to combat labour trafficking, sex trafficking, forced scamming and online sexual exploitation of children.

We’re working with authorities to bring victims of trafficking to safety, provide trauma-informed care to survivors, bring traffickers to justice and enable systemic change so that people are not exploited in the first place.

Together, we’re building a movement that is already seeing powerful results. With authorities, we’ve seen trafficking decrease by up to 86% in places where we’ve worked.

Where we work to end trafficking and slavery


Foli* was raised by his grandparents in a loving home. One day, Foli’s grandfather was struck by a car. Unable to keep up with the costs of medical bills and raising the young boy, Foli’s grandparents sent him to live with a relative. Little did they know Foli would be trafficked into Lake Volta’s massive fishing industry – forced to work 19-hour days casting and untangling nets to produce fish.

For many of these young children, the only way out is to be rescued. Foli prayed for safety and a chance to escape. After years of working on the lake, IJM and local police found him and brought him to safety. Reunited with his grandparents and back at school, Foli was free.

Today, there are still thousands of other children like him waiting for rescue.


Together, we can end trafficking and slavery for good.

Will you send rescue and protection until everyone is free?

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